Hire Luxury bus

Luxury Bus Hire



Luxury Bus Hire – Whether you’re popping off to the airport, going on a sports tour with the team, planning a party bus hire for your employees, or wanting to tour the beautiful country of Ireland, chances are you’ll be in need of a bus. 

hire Luxury bus hire in Ireland is relatively easy. There are over 1,700 private bus operators to choose from across the country. They are spread out across every county and provide a wide range of transport services. Between them they have over 9,000 large public service vehicles in operation. They range in size from single-vehicle operators, to those with fleets of coaches.  

The point here is, that if you’re planning a luxury minibus hire, or any other bus hire in Ireland, you are spoiled for choice. Your only challenge will be to decide which operator can best provide for your specific needs. 

While it may seem simple, there are a few aspects to take into consideration before deciding on the best alternative. These include the most important aspect of safety for you and your guests. Comfort, reliability, and convenience come next, and any professional operator should be able to deliver in all areas. 


How to hire luxury bus is easy. You’ll find a host of operators online, all offering a similar range of services. The main difference between them, is the size and type of fleet that they own and as a result, your choice can become confusing. The main question to ask yourself however, is do they all deliver the same standard of service? 

Luxury Bus Hire

Level of service is the real differentiator between all of the operators, and the one thing that can influence whether you have a pleasant or frustrating experience. Nothing spoils a well-planned tour or event more. Than being stranded on the side of the road in a broken-down coach and wondering how the situation will be resolved.

By basing your search on the aspect of service levels, you’ll find companies like Bus Hire Dublin, who pride themselves in being genuinely customer orientated, and committed to customer service. At the very least, this will provide peace-of-mind when it comes to embarking on your journey.


Before contracting with any luxury bus operator, we suggest that you ask a few simple questions. If the operator shows a genuine interest and takes the time to answer these, then you’re through to the next step, namely the cost of hire. Let’s take a look at some of the questions that you need to ask:

What is the operator’s safety record?

Safety is ‘numero uno’ when it comes to you and the guests that you’ll be responsible for transporting.

Any credible luxury bus operator should be proud of their road safety record, and happy to discuss their approach and policies in regard to safety issues. Ideally, they’ll be happy to issue you with information relating to any accidents or other major incidents relating to their fleet over the years in business.

How well trained are Luxury Bus drivers?

Safety lies in the hands of one person, namely the driver. You’ll want to know that every driver is completely up to date in regard to driver training and safety standards. The issue of regular drug testing comes into play here as well.

In all likelihood a luxury bus driver will be responsible for a group of guests, who are out to have a pleasant and rewarding experience. Therefore, the driver must be not only capable, but courteous as well. A rude driver means unhappy guests and an unpleasant trip.  

Read About : Stag & Hen Party Bus Hire

What is their vehicle maintenance routine?

In regard to road safety, all luxury bus operators are governed by the Road Safety Authority of Ireland. Despite the strict standards, many operators take short cuts in order to save on costs.

Before contracting with any luxury bus hire Dublin company, make sure that you quiz the operator on their commitment to vehicle safety. Ask for specifics about aspects such as service intervals, vehicle maintenance procedures and tyre maintenance programmers that are followed.  

What types of buses do they operate?

Not all buses are the same. They are purpose-built and have different applications. Larger companies like Bus Hire Dublin, have a range of vehicles in their fleets, ranging from 16 to 53 seaters.

The size of your group, what you plan to do with them, and of course your budget, will determine exactly what model of bus you’ll be needing. Twenty people going to a sports event, for instance, will require a different level of luxury and amenities than a group touring the country.    

What is included in the cost?

As in all areas of business, beware of the unknown. Make sure that you receive a detailed and itemized list of things that will be included in the cost of hire. Look out for extras such as cost of fuel, cleaning costs, parking fees, additional drivers and services and the like.  

How many hours services do they offer daily?

There are strict laws governing the number of hours that may be driven continuously by a driver. In Ireland this is governed by the EU driver’s hours law. Make sure that your intended route is made clear upfront, as well as the various activities that you will perform along the route. This will allow the operator to plan and allocate costs accordingly, which may even allow for a second driver.

Read more : Stag & Hen Party Bus Hire

What Backup Service & Support is Offered

It’s no fun missing an event, or even being late for it.  For peace of mind, you’ll want to know that the operator supplies backup and support 24/7. Make sure that you have a clear understanding of what to expect in the event of a breakdown, an accident, or a sick driver. At the very least you should expect the provision of a replacement bus, as soon as possible after any of these occurs.     


Don’t forget to check out the amenities on offer for your particular luxury coach. Again, the level of luxury is dependent on the application, and most good operators will be able to tailor amenities as required. 

For a luxury country tour for example, you could expect amenities such as hostesses, food and drinks, on-board restrooms, Wi-Fi and even cell phone charging stations. Any operator worth their salt, should be able to provide these amenities, and also plan aspects such as rest stops and even onboard activities. 


It is impossible to provide a standard cost of hiring a luxury bus in this article. Costs vary from operator to operator and are also dependent on the nature and length of the charter, the type of vehicle requested and also the range and type of amenities required.

The important issue here, is that you plan properly, provide a clear direction to the operator, and agree upfront on all standard and additional costs that could occur. Always allow for unplanned for or miscellaneous costs that tend to arise when there are groups of people involved.  


If you’re planning on a luxury bus trip for a group, then these are the basic rules that you’ll need to be aware of in your planning:

  • Drivers can drive for a maximum of 4.5 hours without a break
  • They must take a minimum break of 45 minutes thereafter
  • Breaks can take in blocks of 15 and 30 minutes If so desire
  • A maximum of 9.0 driving hours a day is permitt
  • Driver’s hours commence when he takes control of the bus (not when he collects the group) and ends when he parks the bus
  • The driver can only drive again 11 hours after the end of his hours

Although these rules may seem onerous as far as planning is concerned. They are obviously there for the safety of all concerned. If an operator is prepar to overlook these for you. Then this should probably be take as a red flag, insofar as their overall attitude to safety is concerne.  


Stick to these simple rules when planning to hire a luxury coach and get a more rewarding experience for all your guests:

  • Plan the itinerary properly and in detail
  • Discuss all options and requirements upfront with the bus operator
  • Ensure that you understand all costs involved (extras included)
  • Make sure that you have the right bus for the occasion
  • Make sure that planning recognizes the driving hours rules and rest period required
  • Organise for a second driver if necessary
  • Book accommodation close to entertainment, so that the services of a driver are not require


If you’re thinking of hiring a bus, then look no further than Bus Hire Dublin, the country’s leading operator for luxury bus hire. The company has been a leading light in the bus hire industry for over twenty years and has built up an enviable reputation for excellent customer service, driven by their commitment to putting their customers first.

Bus Hire Dublin offers peace-of-mind bus hire solutions, whether it be a large luxury coach, or a minibus hire. Their qualified drivers are of the highest standard and they’ll get you safely to your destination, on time and in the comfort you deserve.

Useful Links : Sports EventsSchoolsDublin Airport TransfersCorporate Bus HireStag & Hen Party Bus HireWedding Bus Hire Near MeCollege & University EventsConcerts & Festivals


Luxury Bus



Luxury Bus – Whether organising a school sports tour, or a major corporate launch event in Dublin Ireland, any experienced organiser will know that there are challenges aplenty. And nothing is guaranteed to cause more grey hairs than the logistics involved in transporting a group of people from place to place. Safety, comfort, cost, timing, and quality of experience all come into play here. 

One way of solving many of the logistical challenges, is to make use of luxury bus hire as the prime method of transport. That’s if you appoint a top-notch bus hire operator, with recognised experience and a proven track record. 

There are a surprising number of meaningful benefits associated with luxury bus hire. These are sure to put any organiser’s mind to rest, when faced with the challenge of ensuring the safety and happiness of their valued guests. 

Take a look at the following: 

Ensure the safety of your guests

Nothing says that you value your friends or customers more, than going the extra mile to ensure that they travel in safety. And when it comes to safety, bus operators in Ireland are mandated to stick to strict rules and regulations. 

Safety regulations apply to both drivers and the coaches themselves. Luxury bus drivers of credible operators like Bus Hire Dublin, are highly trained, and must adhere to strict rules in terms of operating hours. All luxury buses in the fleet are required to undergo regular checks and services and are rigorously maintained.  

When it comes to luxury bus hire, knowing that you have done your best to keep your guests safe on the road, takes care of at least one of the headaches.  

Show respect for your clients

Any successful business is built around clients. In fact, showing respect and appreciation of customers, is a pre-requisite for ongoing loyalty and positive business relationships. You’d never shove your precious clients into the cheap seats on a plane flight, and this should apply to transporting your clients on the road as well. 

Nothing quiet shows appreciation as much as a gleaming luxury Party bus arriving at the pick-up point to take your guests onwards to a major launch or event.  

Keep the group together

If you’ve never experienced true frustration and stress before, then try keeping a partying group in one place when there is a strict itinerary and time schedule to be followed. Guests like to mingle and move around, especially if the is a tipple or two involved. 

This behaviour is multiplied ten-fold if guests are allowed to travel under their own steam. The best way to avoid wanderlust and ensure that you maintain a semblance of control, is to have guests travel together in a single luxury coach, where a guestlist can be checked off and where peer pressure also serves to enforce adherence to the schedule.    

Provide guests with all the luxuries

Whether it’s a business outing, a wedding, or a sports event, guests like to be spoilt. And a luxury bus is one place where you can really make this happen. 

Companies like Bus Hire Dublin really know how to lay it on. Depending on your choice of vehicle, air conditioning, music, TV, wi-fi and leather seats, are just some of the standard luxuries aboard Bus Hire coaches. And even on-board service and entertainment can be negotiated up front for an extra fee. 

Do your bit for the environment

Most people these days appreciate the adverse effect of transportation on the environment. By lumping your guests into a single source of transportation you or your company can help to create less of a footprint. For corporates this makes a strong statement and if you’re clever, this can even be used as a public relations opportunity.

Coach operators like Bus Hire Dublin are dedicated to ensuring that their coaches are regularly serviced, helping to ensure the least possible adverse effect on the environment. 

Adhere to a strict schedule

One of the biggest challenges in organising an event of any sort is that of keeping to a strict schedule. For instance, the last thing that you want, is for your group to arrive late for a major sporting event, or concert, only to have to drive around looking for parking.

One of the great advantages of hiring a luxury bus, is that at these types of events there are usually allocated drop-off spots and parking for coach operators. This means that the group can disembark close to an entrance and re-embark at the same spot after all is done. This will allow for your organising to be a bit tighter and will provide more time for other activities or extended entertainment.   

Don’t forget that a well-trained and disciplined driver can also be a big help to you in maintaining a strict schedule, especially when it comes to travelling events with multiple stopovers.  

Keep it affordable

Hiring a luxury coach is more affordable than you may realise. While there are standard costs involved, many of the extras can be negotiated. And at the very least, if your guests are travelling in comfort, one does not have to provide all of the bells and whistles to keep them happy.

Another consideration is that you are spreading costs over a large number of guests, which should keep the bean counters back at the office more content. At the very least, you could invite a couple of them to join the party (provided that they agree to be happy, that is).

Make it flexible

If you’re worried that your group would be either too big, or too small for a luxury coach, then worry no more. Leading operators like Bus Hire Dublin, have a large fleet of buses to choose from. 

From luxury 16 seaters for smaller groups, to mid-sized 26 and 36 seaters, to larger coaches up to 53 seaters, the company offers them all. This ensures complete flexibility for anyone considering how best to transport their guests safely and in luxury.   


The benefits of hiring a luxury bus are very clear. And luxury bus hire in Dublin, Ireland has never been easier. There are a wide selection of alternatives and different operators to choose from. The devil, however, lies in the detail. 

Once you have decided on the luxury bus hire alternative, then the quality of your overall experience will lie in the hands of the operator that you choose. And choosing an operator with genuine experience and credibility is a no-brainer. 

With this in mind, a cursory visit to bushiredublin.com will show that the company has been Dublin’s leading bus hire operator for over twenty years. The company has a single-minded commitment to customer satisfaction and a wide range of luxury buses to suite all needs. 

If its genuine 24/7 support and peace-of-mind that you are after, then get hold of Bus Hire Dublin and negotiate a bus hire package to suite your needs. 

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